Monday 9 April 2012

here is something we (the call out facebook group) was working on:
A two words story:
We are (Julia) all here (David) together in (Holly) this world (Julia) so full (Garrett) of brilliance. (Kelly)Together we (Garrett) can conquer (Kelly) absolutely anything. (Meghan) Life is (Mark) a circle, (Anna Soole) always connected (Julia) by the (David) connections we (Kelly) have made (Patricia) with each other. (Garrett) Each and every (Shahin) sweet memory (Gen) lingers silently (Kelly) in our (Mark)individual thoughts. (gee) Even when (Eli) it seems (gee) lonely and (Julia) hopeless to (Eli) keep going(mark) , there will (Julia) Always be (David) our friends.

Sakura (Cherry Blossom) by Gee Bossin

On my 19th, which was just on friday, I went down to victoria. This time of year, the cherry blossoms are all in bloom. I just got my hands on a fast 50 lens (a very fast lens that takes in a lot of light, enabling me to take pictures at night, or other very low-light situations) and I was giving it a whirl. I went for a walk around dusk, and this was the result. I'm very happy with these shots.

(A favourite of blog author's)

  Teenage Trangst Poem by Dallas Bennett

The girl who never was and the boy who cannot be.

             A face unknown.
             Hollow, Lacking, Vacant.
             It stares.
                     Bones grow out of place,
                     Bulging, twisting, breaking up straight lines.
                            Blood follows,
                            a screaming pain that cannot be subdued.
                            It drips, smears, stains.
                                          Confusion sets in.
                                                 Mass hysteria?
                                                         Cells divide and concur,
                                                         an uncontrollable growth.
                                                         The heart longs to love,
                                                          but is trapped within a cage of bones
                                                          and mounds of flesh.
                                                                        An unfamiliar home.
                                                                                 The mirror reflects lies,
                                                                                 which cannot be proven incorrect.
                                                                                 Untrained eyes,
                                                                                 cannot view the falsehood,
                                                                                 of this perceived womanhood.
                                                                                              I’ve grown tired of lying.
                                                                           And I’ve grown sick of telling the truth,
                                                                                                 only to be told it’s a lie.


Tuesday 3 April 2012

A True Inner Struggle That I Love
By: Eli Linsenmeier

They said you were too much, they said you were bad and that you pushed them to do what they did. It was always your fault, you never did anything right.

Words swirled in your head, and soon that made you start to believe they were true. Stupid. Mean. Liar. Ugly. Thief. Rude. Annoying. A pain. Unlovable. It was a never ending list.

You tried so hard to prove them wrong, and got so tired at times. They didn’t see your efforts, you felt unappreciated. They each kept their grudge. They just wouldn’t budge.

Nightmares would seize your imagination and defile it with negative beliefs and views. It began to get easier. You stopped trying to resist and gave in to what they expected of you. You became ruthless.

Rejection, that became your lifestyle. You would hand the people who said they loved you a key. A key to your love, trust, and devotion. Then one by one, they would throw it back to you. They didn’t even need to say anything; it was an ‘invitation’ enough to leave their lives and homes.

It became a habit. Soon enough you were expecting everyone to give your key back. You distanced yourself from those who you felt a fondness to. you would hurt others, to protect yourself.

Better for me to hurt them before the hurt me.

Years went by, you were living in this world. You thought that it was like this for everyone, and your life was just as normal and hellish as everyone else's.

Now this is me. Here I am and I'm great. You still scream inside of me, confused, angry, hurt and alone. Sometimes that shows in me and you get the best of me. But we're working on that, now aren't we? Truth is... You're amazing, funny, kind, smart, creative, beautiful, athletic, gentle, strong, and loveable. And so am I. Beth, you were great... Never forget that. You shaped who Eli is today, and Eli is pretty great. Let's be honest, he's all the same things you were back then: Amazing, gentle, funny, athletic, smart, eccentric, beautiful, loving, helpful, strong, creative, handsome, a gentleman, loveable...

  • ... This list goes on and on. Obviously though, this is a much better list.